Spotify Artificial Streams: Legitimate or Hoax?


More and more artists, particularly independents, are getting hit by Spotify’s rule on artificial streams – with tracks being taken down, or worse, artists being banned from the platform due to “artificial streams.” With rumors and conspiracies swirling around the industry, what is legitimate and what is a hoax?


The Problem:

The issue of utilizing AI and bots to mimic human behavior and artificially inflate streaming numbers has been a problem since the beginning of the Spotify era.For example, when a playlist owner is found to be using bots to inflate streams, Spotify may delete their playlist. However, the issue doesn't end there. The individual responsible for the fake streams can easily create numerous new fake accounts to continue the fraudulent activity. This creates an ongoing cat-and-mouse game, where fraudulent actors constantly devise new methods to evade detection, while Spotify continuously updates its algorithms and monitoring systems to combat these deceptive practices. Despite these efforts, the persistent nature of those attempting to game the system poses a significant challenge. This is why Spotify not only focuses on identifying and removing fake streams but also on developing more robust measures to prevent the creation and proliferation of fraudulent accounts.

As a result of this, Spotify issued the implementation of the modernization of Spotify’s royalty system - resulting in the policing of botted playlists, and the crackdown on fraudulent streaming activities. While these are incredible initiatives, and ultimately are aiming to help the industry, they have caused quite a controversy. Why? Spotify’s system in combating fraudulent activities has raised questions of reliability and legitimacy.


How does Spotify detect artificial streams?

Spotify's streaming metrics are driven by advanced algorithms that assess play duration, listener location, and listening habits. Spotify assesses the authenticity of streams by comparing new data to established patterns of legitimate users. If a user’s behavior significantly deviates from these norms, it is then flagged for further analysis. The algorithm is trained, based on this data, to examine user engagement to identify anomalies, especially the sudden spike in popularity or consistent track skipping. Any anomalous patterns of listening indicate to Spotify’s algorithm the use of streaming bots. 

When Spotify identifies confirmed cases of artificial streaming or stream manipulation, they take actions that may include withholding associated royalties, correcting public streaming numbers, and ensuring the artist or song’s popularity is accurately reflected in the charts.

In some instances, they can remove confirmed artificial streams from your data before your Spotify for Artists dashboard updates. However, you may still see artificial streaming spikes in your data, even if associated royalties are withheld. In cases of repeated or egregious artificial streaming, Spotify reserves the right to remove manipulated content from the platform.

As a result of this algorithmic detection, questions have been raised including:

“What if my streams are resulting from targeted ad campaigns to specific geographic regions?”

“What if I have a low skip rate because I’m finding the right listener for my track?”

“What if I didn’t do anything to be added to this playlist?”

Unfortunately, Spotify’s detection system isn’t advanced enough to differentiate between the use of organic/successful marketing tactics and the use of botted playlists. In addition, Spotify has yet to introduce an appeals process for the artist to contest the legitimacy of streams being flagged as artificial.

Source: Artificial streaming and paid 3rd-party services that guarantee streams - Spotify


If Spotify can’t differentiate organic vs. botted marketing - is this a fair system to judge artists with?

In our opinion, no. Sure, any system or platform will have flaws… But this has raised theories in the industry that Spotify is unjustly penalizing independent artists, and not doing the same for mainstream artists and labels.

We will acknowledge that yes, some artists actually commit sham ventures in pursuit of discovery and revenue; some fall victim to third-party services that “guarantee legitimate streams” or heed ‘pay-to-play’ strategies, and some are, unfortunately, unjustly exploited by ‘fraudulent’ streams or activity flags without their knowledge. However, how can this be universally applied to all independent artists when there are many legitimate tactics to increasing your streaming through targeted, ORGANIC marketing?


Fraudulent stream allegations do not just tarnish an artist's public image; they jeopardize the entire ecosystem supporting their music, affecting the long-term viability and prosperity of their career.


When an artist is accused of inflating their streams, their reputation takes a significant hit, leading to a loss of trust among fans, industry professionals, and potential collaborators. This damaged credibility can result in fewer opportunities for record deals, live performances, and sponsorships, all of which are crucial for an artist's financial stability and career growth.

Moreover, the impact extends beyond the artist to the entire team of creatives behind the music, including producers, songwriters, and managers. These individuals rely on the success and integrity of the artist's work for their livelihood. Allegations of fraudulent streams can lead to reduced revenue from royalties, diminished promotional opportunities, and strained professional relationships. The negative publicity associated with such allegations can also deter future projects and partnerships, creating a ripple effect that hinders the collective success and sustainability of everyone involved in the artist's career.

Being an independent artist is already a significant challenge, constantly battling against major industry players. Thus, when these artists finally see an increase in their streams, only to have their tracks flagged for 'fraudulent activity,' it feels (and is) detrimental to an artist’s progress. The immense effort put into creating music, marketing it, and gaining streams suddenly feels wasted and irretrievable.


What else is there to do?

This predicament by Spotify is inevitable, apparently. We advise that artists expand their knowledge in distributing music to all other platforms prudently. Most importantly, keep striving. Keep creating music for the world to hear. Sooner or later, we believe that we will see you hitting the top charts, all with authentic listens from your biggest fans worldwide.

READ ON CASES (for additional information and opinions on this topic):


A special note from us:

As both a music promotions company for independents and music distributors (FreshNoise Distro), we are immensely affected by the new Spotify tactics and reporting on “alleged” artificial streams. We feel for our artists. It pains us to see an independent artist’s music be removed from the platform, especially since Spotify is still the king of the industry. Artists make music in many forms and intentions – either merely for the world to hear their music and perhaps relate to their audience, generate revenue, or both – so do we. Little do artists know that their distributors take, if not the same pain, an even harder hit from Spotify with fines and threats of shutting down our access to distribute with them when multiple cases have been detected. 

In relation to the aforementioned consequences, despite Spotify’s advice that “If you believe your streams were earned authentically, you should share information with your distributor or label about the genuine promotional methods used for the content in question. They will work with our team to review the situation and hopefully resolve the issue quickly,” we can attest that it tends to lead to helplessness. While this may not be the case for everyone, your distributor works on justifying the allegations as we truly believe in our roster’s integrity and potential. However, no matter how hard we rationalize and defend, it ultimately leads to a ‘lost case.’ 

We will continue to fight the good fight and Keep It Indie. We hope you will join us as we navigate the murky waters of this new age in the digital music industry together.

Spotify’s streaming metrics are driven by advanced algorithms that assess play duration, listener location, and listening habits. It’s algorithm examines user engagement to identify anomalies, especially the sudden spike in popularity or consistent track skipping.
— Spotify

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